Analyzing – To break into parts to learn what the parts are.
Juvenile- Young.
Fatal- Causing death.
Ordeal- An experience so difficult that it tests the ability to keep trying.
Marine- Living in or connected to the sea.
Intensive- Complete and carried out with care.
Frantic- Very excited with fear or anxiety.
Stride- A single, long step.
Bounding- To leap, jump, or spring.
Strained- To work as hard as possible.
Picturing- To form a mental image of.
Romp- Lively or spirited play.
Endangered- Nearly extinct.
Unique- Being the only one of its kind.
Adapted- Fitted or suitable, especially for a specific purpose.
Vegetation- Plants in an area or region.
Conserving- To protect from loss or harm.
Guardians- A person or thing that guards.